Chroniques de KL episode 7 - Attention ou vous marchez

Publié le par Stef & Pierre

Voila le mail que tous les employes du site HP de Cyberjaya ont recu cette semaine. On va faire attention ou on met les pieds en se rendant a la cafeteria.

Nous avons recu ce mail le 27 mars : CE N'EST DONC PAS UN POISSON D'AVRIL



To : HP Global Center Employees

Subjec : Wild animal sightings  




We received report that there was a crocodile found in HP Global Center premises and all employees are suggested to take note on the following steps to be taken, in case of sighting of dangerous wild animals. 

- If you see wild animals (crocodiles, snakes etc) in HP Global Center premises, report the sighting by calling HP emergency number : +60xxxxxxxxx. Stay calm, do not try to catch or approach the animal yourself. 


- In case, you are bitten by snakes or you found someone bitten by snakes : 

1. Stay calm, do not try to catch the snake, and contact HP emergency number immediately :  +60xxxxxxxxx. Security will immediately trigger relevant parties, example : ERT for first aid treatment and external medical services, if required and FM support.


- NOTE :  Snakes do not usually attack humans unless they are disturbed or threatened. 

A bite from a non-venomous snake looks like a row of teeth bites, the bite from a venomous snake looks like double fang marks. Snakebites will be painful, swollen and numb within 15 minutes. Snake venom may also cause symptoms of muscle aches, blurred vision, drowsiness and spasm of the jaw


  2. While waiting for the medical help coming, you can as far as possible : 

*) Lay the victim flat. Immobilize the bitten limb, and position it below the level of the heart. 

*) Wash the bite site with soap and water. 

*) If the venom gets into eyes, rinse the eye under gently running cool water for at least 15 minutes. 

     Prevent run-off water from entering the unaffected eye. 

*) Do not cut and suck out the venom as it can lead to bacteria infection. 

*) Do not tie cloth above the wound or put ice on the wound as this will reduce blood flow to 

 the affected area. 

 *) Try to get a description of the snake. This will help the doctor to identify the snake and the 

 correct treatment. 




Publié dans Chroniques de KL

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